There are no simple explanations on why kids start using drugs. There are warning signs however. Here are warnings signs that your child may have started using drugs.
1. Grades have slipped and absences have increased. These are big indicators. Watch out for your child becoming “chronically absent” Being chronically absent means your child misses more than ten percent of school. Schools will typically start sending attendance letters after this point. In Pinellas County failing grades can be monitored online through the “parent portal”.
2. Your child has shown an increased interest drug related culture such as music, television programs. Popular media is flooded with drug references, whether it’s the most recent exclusive series on Netflix or the newest Drake song. Children are confronted regularly with these messages. Peer pressure can be a huge factor in experimenting with drugs. Pay attention to language, clothing changes and new friends.
3. Your child has suddenly stopped taking their psychotropic medications. This could be a sign of self medicating. Some youth complain of the negative side effects of psychotropic medication and they think marijuana is “better for me”.
4. Curfew has become later and later. We have all heard the saying “nothing good happens after midnight” With school age children maybe it’s not midnight, but it’s “after curfew”. Catching Pokemon or playing sports aren’t happening in the park after dark.
5. Sudden changes in mood. Extreme behaviors such as your child becoming lethargic and sleepy all the time, or unexpected bursts of energy. Pay attention to drastic changes in eating and sleeping habits.